The Head of International Relations of the Danish Institute of Human Rights (DIHR) Mette Thygesen and her colleagues Lis Dhundale, Project Advisor and Francesco Castellani, Monitoring and Evaluation Expert visited the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) in Addis Ababa between April 16 and April 27, 2023. The visit falls within the framework of multi-year partnership between the two National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs), which runs since 2019.

In addition to sharing experiences on best practices and challenges faced in their respective contexts, the DIHR held several one-to-one sessions with the various departments of the Commission. These meetings were also an opportunity to get technical support mainly on methodologies to capture results achieved in the area of work.

DIHR’s visit was also an opportunity to hold the regular Partners’ Steering Committee meeting with other development partners of the Commission, including the Embassies of Denmark, Germany, Norway and the United Kingdom.

Commenting on the long-running partnership between the two institutions, the Danish Institute’s Head of International Relations Mette Thygesen said that “the DIHR is encouraged and indeed happy with the results achieved through the collaboration and that it is a relationship that the DIHR and all the supporting partners would like to see continue.”

EHRC Deputy Chief Commissioner Rakeb Messele recalling that the partnership with DIHR began at a time of significant institutional reform for the Commission, both legislative and internal structure-wise, as well as a challenging political and socio-economic context, said that “the relationship and the understanding between the two institutions also contributed to the management of the partnership without significant hurdles.”

At the conclusion of the visit, EHRC Chief Commissioner Daniel Bekele acknowledged the DIHR team and partnership and underlined the Commission’s

continued commitment to deliver on its mandate by ensuring that its resources mobilization work come in support of its mandate.