Areas of Work

Human Rights Education

The Human Rights Education program is aimed at strengthening human rights culture and enhancing human rights knowledge, skills and attitudes among both rights holders and duty bearers.

An effective, systematic and nationwide human rights education program includes training, seminars, promotional campaign activities and advocacy for the mainstreaming of Human Rights education into national education policy and curricula. New and transformative approaches to training methodologies and tools including interactive, experiential training and educational resource materials will help achieve the changes in attitudes and behavior required to bring about a culture of human rights in Ethiopia.

The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) annually organizes the National High Schools Human Rights Moot Court Competition (NHSHRMCC) with the primary objective of fostering a deeper understanding of human rights among high school students. The competition serves as a pivotal platform to advance the knowledge, attitude and skills of participants in human rights laws and principles. Designed as a simulated court proceeding, NHSHRMCC provides a unique opportunity for young minds to grapple with real-life legal challenges related to human rights issues. Find out more!