The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) organized a consultative forum on December 23, 2024, in Addis Ababa to discuss the current challenges faced by people on the move. The consultation aimed to present key findings from EHRC’s human rights situation monitoring, engage key stakeholders and advocate for enhanced protection of the rights of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants. The event brought together representatives from governmental and non-governmental organizations, refugees, Civil Society Organizations and UN agencies.

Enguday Meskele, Director of the Department of the Rights of Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons and Migrants at EHRC

EHRC presented its monitoring findings on the human rights situation of refugees, asylum seekers and irregular migrants. The presentation on refugees highlighted gaps, including issues with registration and documentation, access to justice, protection from arbitrary detention, freedom of movement, safety and security concerns and access to food and other basic services. On the other hand, the presentation on EHRC’s monitoring on migrants’ rights underlined the gaps in prevention, protection, prosecution and partnership measures along the major migration routes. Additionally, the EHRC has presented a list of recommendations in light of these monitoring findings.

The consultation also featured a panel discussion with key partners, including the Refugees and Returnees Service (RRS), Jesuit Refugees Service (JRS), International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Embassy of the Netherlands in Ethiopia. During the discussion the panellists acknowledged the challenges faced by people on the move and shared their respective roles in addressing the protection concerns. Moreover, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) representative emphasized the need to protect refugees in compliance with Ethiopia’s commitments under International Refugee Conventions. He also underscored that individuals who cross international boundaries seeking safety from persecution are entitled to international refugee protection, including protection against forcible return.

EHRC’s Acting Chief Commissioner Rakeb Messele

In her remarks, EHRC’s Acting Chief Commissioner Rakeb Messele underscored the importance of multi-stakeholder collaboration and coordinated action in addressing the protection challenges confronting people on the move. She emphasized that collective efforts are essential to ensuring the safety, dignity, and rights of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants.