Ensuring the rights and inclusion of landmine survivors requires a holistic, rights-based approach that integrates victim assistance into a broader disability and development framework
The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is mandated with monitoring human rights, as outlined in Proclamation No. 210/1992 (as amended by Proclamation No. 1224/2012), with particular focus on segments of society who are vulnerable to human rights violations.  In line with this, the EHRC has conducted a human rights monitoring on the accessibility of air...
የተሐድሶ ማእከሉ ሊሰጥ የሚገባውን አገልግሎት በማስጀመር በክልሉ የሚገኙ የአካል ጉዳተኞችን ተግዳሮት መቀነስ ጉዳዩ የሚመለከታቸው አካላትን ርብርብ ይጠይቃል
በሁሉ-አቀፍ ወቅታዊ የግምገማ መድረክ የተሰጡ ምክረ ሐሳቦችን ተቀብሎ መተግበር በኢትዮጵያ ያለው የሰብአዊ መብቶች ዐውድ ላይ አወንታዊ አስተዋጽዖ ያበረክታል
የሰብአዊ መብቶች ሥራ የኢሰመኮ ሠራተኞችን እና የሁሉም ባለድርሻ አካላትን ትብብርና ቅንጅታዊ ሥራን ይጠይቃል
ኮሚሽነር ርግበ ገብረሐዋሪያ ይባላሉ። በኢትዮጵያ ሰብአዊ መብቶች ኮሚሽን የሴቶች፣ የሕፃናት፣ የአካል ጉዳተኞች እና የአረጋውያን መብቶች ኮሚሽነር ናቸው
While wishing the new Chief Commissioner a successful term, Deputy Chief Commissioner reiterated the importance of human rights work
የመልካም ሥራ ዘመን መልእክታቸውን ባስተላለፉበት ወቅት ምክትል ዋና ኮሚሽነር ራኬብ መሰለ የሰብአዊ መብቶችን ሥራ አስፈላጊነት አስታውሰዋል
This Annual Human Rights Situation Report, covering the period from June 2023 to June 2024, which corresponds to 2016 Ethiopian Fiscal Year, highlights key positive developments and issues of concerns in relation to the human rights promotion and protection of older persons and persons with disabilities. Key positive developments include: five higher education institutions have...
የአካል ጉዳተኞችን አመራር ማሳደግ እና የመብቶቻቸውን መከበር ያለመ የሥዕል ዐውደ ርዕይ ተዘጋጀ