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Executive Summary: National Inquiry into Persons Deprived of Liberty

The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is an independent federal state body established as per the Federal Constitution (Article 55/14). The EHRC reports to the House of Peoples’ Representatives in accordance with the Establishment Proclamation No. 210/2000 (as amended by Proclamation No. 1224/2020). The EHRC is a national human rights institution with a broad mandate of promoting and protecting human rights.

National Inquiry is an investigation into a systemic human rights problem in which the public is invited to participate. National human rights institutions use national inquiry to study systemic and complex human rights problems and recommend solutions. A national inquiry involves public hearings, which are open to the media and useful to raise awareness about human rights. The findings and recommendations from public inquiries are used to improve the implementation of human rights.

In line with its mandate, the EHRC conducted a national inquiry into the systemic violations of the rights of persons deprived of liberty, the first of its kind in the country. The national inquiry covered four regions, namely, Somali, Amhara, and Oromia, and in the region previously known as the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region (SNNPR). The objective of the national inquiry is to investigate and document systemic violations of the right to liberty, provide victims the platform to voice what happened to them, provide the opportunity for dialogue, create awareness about causes and prevalence of arbitrary detentions, and recommend solutions. As part of the inquiry, the EHRC organized public hearings between 4 July 2022 and 26 April 2023 and prepared a report containing the methodology, key findings, and recommendations of the national inquiry.

አንኳር ጉዳዮች:- ነጻነታቸውን በተነፈጉ ሰዎች ዙሪያ የተደረገ ብሔራዊ ምርመራ

ስልታዊ እና ተደጋጋሚ የዘፈቀደ እስራት ዘላቂ መፍትሔ ይሻል