It is important to enhance understanding about regional human rights bodies such as the African Court at the domestic level including their mandate, work and how to engage with them
Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is an independent federal state body established as per the Federal Constitution and reporting to House of People’s Representatives as a national human rights institution with the mandate for promotion and protection of human rights. (Article 55/14 of FDRE Constitution cum Proclamation No. 210/2000, as amended by Proclamation No.1224/2020).  
The objective of the visit is to create awareness on the judicial function of the Court and to encourage Ethiopia to ratify the Protocol Establishing the African Court
“The visit was a practical and effective tool to foster learning between the two organizations and benefited all participants through an open exchange of ideas, knowledge, experiences and best practices”
NANHRI acknowledges the steps of strengthening internal systems as per our capacity assessment recommendations
የሰብአዊ መብቶች ጥሰት ተፈጽሞባቸዋል ለሚባሉ የሕብረተሰብ ክፍሎች፣ ታራሚዎች እና ተጠርጣሪዎች ነፃ የሕግ ድጋፍ፤ የመጠለያ፣ የጤና፣ የማኅበራዊና የሥነልቦናዊ አገልግሎት በመስጠት የሰብአዊ አገልግሎቱን የተሟላ ለማድረግ ያስችላል
የህዝብ ተወካዮች ምክር ቤት ያዘጋጀው የዲሞክራሲ ተቋማት የሆኑት የኢትዮጵያ ሰብአዊ መብቶች ኮሚሽን፣የህዝብ ዕንባ ጠባቂ ተቋም፣ የፌደራል ኦዲተርና የመገናኛ ብዙኃን የማሻሻያ የለውጥ ስራዎችን የተመለከተ የምክክር መድረክ እየተካሄደ ነው
ሪፖርቱ የሚሸፍነው ጊዜ በኢትዮጵያ የበጀት ዓመት አቆጣጠር መሰረት ከሰኔ ወር 2013 ዓ.ም. እስከ ሰኔ ወር 2014 ዓ.ም. ያሉትን 12 ወራት ሲሆን፣ በዓመቱ ውስጥ የነበረውን አጠቃላይ የሰብአዊ መብቶች ሁኔታን፣ የተገኙ ቁልፍ እመርታዎችን፣ ዋና ዋና አሳሳቢ ጉዳዮችን፣ ተግዳሮቶችን እና ምክረ-ሃሳቦችን ያካትታል። የሪፖርቱ አንኳር ጉዳዮች እዚህ ተያይዟል  
The report covers the period between June 2021 and June 2022 (Ethiopian fiscal year) and consists of an overall assessment of the human rights situation in the country; key positive developments, main concerns, challenges and recommendations