ተያያዥ የሰብአዊ መብቶች ጥሰት እያስከተለ መሄዱን ያሳያል
Insecurity spreading to neighboring regions
Preliminary findings on grave human rights violations shows death of more than one hundred victims
Widespread human rights violations constitute grave contraventions of applicable international and human rights laws and principles
ሙሃመድ ዴክሲሶንና በሱ መዝገብ የተከሰሱትን ሁለት ሰዎችን የጅማ ወረዳ ፍርድ ቤት መጋቢት 7 እንዲለቀቁ ቢወስንም አሁንም በእስር ላይ ናቸው
EHRC Chief Commissioner, team visit detention facility at Federal Police Commission Criminal Investigation Bureau to monitor conditions, treatment of detainees
EHRC study finds women taking part in elections face various forms of psychological, physical, economic and sexual violence
While EHRC has not finalized investigation, preliminary findings indicate killing of civilians in Axum in retaliation for earlier attack by TPLF soldiers
Daniel Bekele, Chief Commissioner of Ethiopian Human Rights Commission, takes part in CSIS Africa panel for discussion on challenges to humanitarian access in Tigray
Slow progress to restore infrastructure, fully resume social, administrative services exposing residents, IDPs to further human rights violations