The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) in partnership with the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) organized consultation on June 25, 2024 in Addis Ababa to commemorate ‘World Refugee Day’. The consultation, which brought together relevant stakeholders including government bodies, UN agencies, embassies, refugees, and refugee-led organizations (RLOs), highlighted the current challenges faced by refugees and asylum seekers in Ethiopia.

EHRC presented its findings from its monitoring of the human rights situation of refugees and asylum seekers. An interactive discussion followed the presentation, highlighting areas of gaps regarding access to registration and documentation, protection against refoulement or forceful return, protection from arbitrary detention, freedom of movement, access to justice, safety and security concerns and access to humanitarian assistance.

The consultation further facilitated experience sharing among stakeholders through a panel discussion titled “Solidarity in Action: Collaboration across sectors to ensure that refugees are welcomed”. This discussion aimed to foster collaboration between various actors in promoting and protecting the human rights of refugees and asylum seekers in Ethiopia. Key areas highlighted during the panel included the challenges faced by urban refugees, gaps in providing coordinated response to refugees’ situation and the protection concerns arising in the context of on-going conflicts. The discussion emphasized the importance of strengthened whole-of-government approach and the establishment of refugee-led organization or association to advocate for their rights.

In her closing remarks, Enguday Meskele, Director of the Department for the Rights of Refugees, IDPs and Migrants at EHRC, underscored the critical need for greater collaboration among stakeholders to address the challenges faced by refugees and asylum seekers.