Alleged attacks resulted in killing of hundreds of IDPs, including children sheltered in health facilities & schools in Afar's Galikoma kebele
Conflict flared up in Gedamaytu city on July 24
Agency for Refugees and Returnees Affairs to widen assisted urban status to some Eritrean refugees residing in Mai Ayni and Adi Harush camps
ረቂቅ የወንጀል ሥነ ሥርዓትና የማስረጃ ሕጉ የእስረኛ እናቶችን እና ብቸኛ አሳዳጊዎች ልጆች ሰብአዊ መብቶች ጥበቃ በተመለከተ ሊያካትታቸው የሚገባቸው ነጥቦች ላይ ከኢሰመኮ የተዘጋጀ አጭር ማብራሪያ
Reported attack by armed groups in Emanj Kebele of Bulen Woreda between July 9 and July 10, 2021 killed at least 16 residents
'Former political prisoner Daniel Bekele has made the commission more autonomous'
የዓለም አቀፍ ድንጋጌዎችና የሰብአዊ መብቶች መርሆች በግጭት ወቅት ጭምር ከፍተኛ ጥንቃቄ እንዲደረግ የሚያዙና ሲቪል ሰዎች ላይ ጉዳት እንዳይደርስ ሁሉም የግጭቱ ተሳታፊ ወገኖች ላይ ከፍ ያለ ግዴታ የሚጥሉ ናቸው
Unlawful incidents and arrests which have intensified particularly since 29 June, 2021
Restoring disconnected basic services in the region and providing adequate information about the tangible security situation and humanitarian supply in the Tigray region are the first steps in correcting gaps in this area and creating coordinated cooperation with the relevant bodies it sees
በክልሉ የተቋረጡ መሰረታዊ አገልግሎቶችን መመለስና በትግራይ ክልል ስላለው ተጨባጭ የፀጥታ ሁኔታና የሰብአዊ እርዳታ አቅርቦት በቂ መረጃ መስጠት፣ በዚህ ረገድ ያሉ ክፍተቶችን ለማረምና የሚመለከታቸውን ባለድርሻ አካላት የተቀናጀ ትብብር ለመፍጠር ቀዳሚ እርምጃዎች ናቸው