የሰብአዊ መብቶች ምርጫ ክትትል ቡድኖች በሚሰማሩባቸው ስፍራዎች በምርጫው እለት እና ከምርጫው በኋላ ባሉት ቀናት በምርጫ ጣቢያዎችም በመገኘት ምልከታ ያደርጋሉ
ኢሰመኮ በምርጫው ወቅት የሕግ አስከባሪ አካላት በገለልተኝነት ተግባራቸውን በመወጣት የዜጎች መብቶችን እንዲያከብሩና እንዲያስከብሩ እንዲሁም ጥሰቶች ሲኖሩ ተጠያቂነት እንዲረጋገጥ በአጽንዖት አሳስቧል
EHRC is gravely concerned by IPC recent report on highest level of catastrophic emergency, dismal humanitarian situation in Tigray
Large number of IDPs detained by security officials since May 24, 2021
Amanuel Wondimu publicly paraded & killed in Dembi Dollo by security forces
Probe to look into human rights violations for initial period of three months
EHRC expresses serious concern over treatment of detainees across Oromia
Despite progress, journalists continue to face threats, intimidation & detentions
Civilian casualties reported; federal, regional authorities urged to take urgent, appropriate response